Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 25th World Congress on Neurology & Neuroscience Finnstown Castle Hotel, Dublin, Ireland.

Day 2 :

Conference Series Neuroscience Congress 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Randall E Merchant photo

Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D. has been a Professor of Anatomy and Neurosurgery at Virginia Commonwealth University since 1982. Dr. Merchant and his team of colleagues have conducted several clinical investigations on the effects of dietary supplementation with chlorella in patients with various chronic illnesses. Dr. Merchant continues to be in the forefront of double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical research on chlorella. He serves as a Member of Health & Science Advisory Board of Sun Chlorella USA Corp. Dr. Merchant earned his Doctoral and Master of Sciences degree from the University of North Dakota with a major in Anatomy, minor in Immunology


  • Neuro-immunology | Neuro-psychiatry | Neuro Pharmaceutics | Neuro Critical Care
Location: Manor Suite


Rina Aharoni

The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Rina Aharoni is currently a Senior Staff Scientist in the Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. She has completed her BSc in Biology at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel and MSc and PhD in Life Sciences at Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. She did Postdoctoral Research at Stanford University, USA. Her main research interests include “Neuro-immunology, autoimmunity, pathology and therapy of multiple sclerosis (MS) and its model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), immunomodulation, neuroprotection and repair processes in the central nervous system, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)”. She has published more than 60 papers and is also an Editorial Board Member of 20 journals.



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is currently recognized as complex diseases in which inflammatory reactivity in the central nervous system (CNS) results in demyelination, axonal and neuronal pathology. Treatment strategies thus aim to reduce the detrimental inflammation and induce neuroprotective repair processes. The synthetic copolymer Copaxone (glatiramer acetate, GA), an approved drug for the treatment of MS, is the first and so far the only therapeutic agent to have a copolymer as its active ingredient. Using the animal model of MS - experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the mechanism of action of GA was elucidated. These studies indicated that GA treatment generates immunomodulatory shift from the inflammatory towards the anti-inflammatory pathways, such as Th2-cells that cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) and secrete in situ anti-inflammatory cytokines, as well as T-regulatory cells (Tregs) that suppress the disease. The consequences of GA treatment on the CNS injury inflicted by the disease were studied using immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging. These analyses revealed reduced demyelination and neuro-axonal damages, as well as neuroprotective repair processes such as neurotrophic factors secretion, remyelination and neurogenesis. These combined findings indicate that immunomodulatory treatment can counteract the neurodegenerative disease course, supporting linkage between immunomodulation, neuroprotection and therapeutic activity in the CNS. Recent Publications: 1. R Eilam, M Segal, R Malach, M Sela, R Arnon and R Aharoni (2018) Astrocyte disruption of neurovascular communication is linked to cortical damage in an animal model of multiple sclerosis Glia 66:1098-1117. 2. R Aharoni, C Rosen, E Shezen, D Bar-Lev, O Golan, Y Reisner, M Sela, R Arnon (2016) Assessing remyelination - metabolic labeling of myelin in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 301, 7–11. 3. R Aharoni (2015) Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: realizing a long standing challenge. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. 22(41), 1-4. 4. R Aharoni (2015) Animal models of multiple sclerosis: imperfect but imperative Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 2(4), 2-4. 5. RAharoni(2014) Immunomodulation, neuroprotection and remyelination - The fundamental therapeutic effects of glatiramer acetate: A critical review. Journal of Autoimmunity. 54, 81-92.


Muthiah abustani has completed her bachelor degree at the age 21 years from Hasanuddin University and now she is a medical profession student in Hasanuddin University for MD. She was General secretary 2016-2017 period of Medical Youth Research Club in Hasanuddin University, a medical research organization. She has published 10 literature review in medical competition in Indonesia and become a runner-up in National Scientific Congress (Temu Ilmiah Nasional) in Jakarta, Indonesia 2017 from Research proposal competition cathegory and also runner-up in Hasanuddin scientific fair in Makassar 2017 from Popular Essay cathegory while others become finalists of medical competition in Indonesia.


Background: Tuberculosis is one of the communicable disease that caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), it could damage multiple organs in which the most common is lung. However, if it’s left untreated or the treatment is not appropriate, TB could make harmful complication such as death. Among 1-2% of all the TB cases is manifested in bone especially vertebrae known as Spondilytis tuberculosis or known commonly as Pott’s Disease (PD). To prevent the complication of this disease, we have to detect early foci of infection from PD, and prompt treatment could be done earlier. Examination as sputum specimen is the routine check for analyzing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the case report from George et al in 2016, PD patient was diagnosed by using urine sample in GeneXpert method. Meanwhile, there is no publication of PCR method using urine as a sample of PD patient yet.
Aim: To know, is the urine samples could detect MTB from Spondilytis tuberculosis patient using PCR method in September-October 2017 period in RS. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.
Method: This research is descriptive observational. We conduct the urine samples could detect MTB from Spondilytis tuberculosis patient using PCR method in September-Oktober 2017 period in RS. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, Indonesia.
Result: According the research time from September-October 2017, we get 10 samples. Each of sample was analyzed using PCR method and there are 3 samples are positive in 441 bp band (p = 0.350).
Conclusion: Urine sample in which using PCR method can be the tool of diagnosis in Spondilytis tuberculosis.

Hillary McDonagh

Sligo College of Further Education, Ireland

Title: The mechanics of the frontal aslant tract

Time : 12:50-13:20


Hilary McDonagh is a Psychology Teacher at Sligo College of Further Education. She received Bachelor’s Degree in Hons Psychology from UCD and is a Graduate Member of the Psychological Society of Ireland. She is currently researching on how unconscious tongue positions can be modified to improve posture and functionality.


The frontal aslant tract (FAT) has been a focus neurological research for the last decade. A recent review concentrated on its role in speech language and executive function and highlighted the research gap concerning the Mechanics of the FAT. The ongoing research concerns the mechanics of tongue movement: specifically, lateral tongue movements. Our tongue actually is constantly moving and only slows down to speak. Controlling lateral tongue position involves coordination of inputs from our limbs and our ocular system. As limb, eye and tongue movements all involve homologous brain regions to stop undesired behavior, we must choose between competing actions. Within this system, the eye predicts behavior. A case study encountered as part of my research concerned a 22-year-old with a persistent developmental stutter – since age 6. It was clearly observable that the words on which she predicted a difficulty were accompanied by unusual eye movements and gestures. For the tongue to assume a neutral position I instructed my client to say the words she foresaw difficulty while looking down to her naval. This immediately enabled clear speech and the procedure was replicated with a 6-year-old. Consequently, this highlights the need for more research into tongue movement and the mechanistic functioning of the frontal aslant tract.


Muhammad Fadly Hafid has completed his bachelor degree at the age of 21 years from Hasanuddin University and now he is a medical profession student in Hasanuddin University for MD. He was a staff 2016-2017 period of Medical Youth Research Club in Hasanuddin University, a medical research organization that based in Makassar, Indonesia. He won numerous scientific competitions in Indoensia, including Temu Ilmiah Nasional 2016 in Malang Indoensia, Pacific Festival 2016 in Bandung Indonesia and Temu Ilmiah Nasional 2017 in Jakarta Indonesia.


Aromatherapy is a method of body care and disease treatment using essential oils. Aromatherapy is able to deliver a relaxing sensation that can affect psychic condition, memory and emotions of an individual. Within stable psychic condition, memory and emotions can indirectly increase concentration. Increased concentration will make it ease to focus when doing something, such as doing a test. Academic Potential Test is one of the method for measuring general cognitive ability that is specifically designed to predict learning potential in college. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of lavender aromatherapy towards Academic Potential Test scores of XII’s class senior high school student in Makassar. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a equivalent control group, one group pre-test and post-test group design. Sampling method used in this study is cluster random sampling method. The sample consisted of 28 students, enrolled in the class XII students of SMA Negeri 21 Makassar academic year of 2017/2018. The essential oil used was lavender. Using paired T test, this study found that there are significant effects between lavender aromatherapy application and potential academic test scores of class XII students of SMA Negeri 21 Makassar academic year of 2017/2018 with p value of p=0,000 (p<0,05). As much as 89,28% samples experience an increased results from the first to the second Academic Potential Test. Based on our experiment's findings, we suggest that aromatherapy can be a tool for increased concentration among student.